road trip chronicles day 18
Some of the things we love about Boston are:
Insomnia Cookies
The deep sense of history
The funky little urban playgrounds
The Boston Tea Party Museum
The Boston Tea Party Museum is one of those things that sounds like a total snooze fest, but was absolutely spectacular!
We were greeted with identy cards and Mowhawk feathers to use for our disguises as we were led through a rallying meeting by Sam Adams. We then traipsed out onto the bay, boarded the ship, and dumped our tea overboard amid cheers of "huzzah!" and "hip-hip!"
We learned the reason you should keep your elbows off the table (there's a good one), the meaning behind "sleep tight", why rats on a ship were a good thing, and the real face on a bottle of Sam Adams beer (It's Paul Revere. The brewers thought Mr. Adams was too unattractive to sell brew. Not to mention that he was a Quaker, and while his father's company processed hops and grains, he never touched a drop of liquor).
The technology in this place is fabulous (think Harry Potter's castle with a 1700's theme). Holograms, movies, talking portraits, and a genuine chest on display from the actual rebellion.
We finished up in Boston with a drive past Paul Revere's house and then headed to Lexington and Concord , Massachusetts. The first "unofficial" battle was in Lexington at 5am. By 9am both sides had troops on Old North Bridge in Concord and I was completely awed as we stood in the very same spot that "The Shot Heard Round The World" was fired.
What Rico and I were actually wondering, was why people would just line up and shoot at each other. It seems like the battle plans of the 18th century were created by third graders. At least hide behind a tree or something. Rico felt a little better when we passed the Meriam House (home of Josiah Meriam). Apparently the rebel troops decided to hide behind this dude's house when they were fighting the British. Rico thought this sounded like a better plan than standing on the bridge waiting to get shot. Better plan if you're name isn't Josiah Meriam I guess.
There are actually tributes to both British and Amercian troops on the site. After all of the "huzzah, huzzah" "sink the king" business of this morning, it was nice to walk the same dirt paths of the troops, and have a quiet spot to remembr all of the men who never made it back home. One of the memorials says how this place was the beginning of a separation of two countries that would remain forever friends.
Right now we are chilling out in our Comfort Inn in Dover. Pizza is on the way, and I am trying to decide if braving the 17 toddlers in the pool is worth it for Yoad and Kookas sake. My first instinct is no. My second instinct is if they don't get out of the room, that's a lot of Spongebob to listen to.