roadtrip 2017 day 1: Minnesota to Paducah,KY
So far there isn't much to report, and I doubt there will be, since we're basically trying to drive as far south as Belize in the span of two and a half days. There was a quick overnight in Madison (where Tiny made her first rock drop - more on that later), and then we piled back into the car for an eight hour drive to Paducah, Kentucky.
There was a quick stop at Lincoln's courthouse in Bloomington, IN. It was the place where Lincoln actually practiced law from 1837-1860. We couldn't stay long, just long enough for Tiny to hide a "peace rock", squish a penny and for both girls to take "whatchu talkin' 'bout Abe?" pictures.
Then it was across the street to Windy City Weiners, which we'd rather forget. Thankfully, we're in too much of a hurry to dwell on the sticky floors, rancid lemonade, and the dude in full camo gear who kept heading into the back and stashing giant boxes of artillery shells by the door.
We stopped for the night at the Auburn Inn in Paducah, KY, where Kooka loved the pool, and Tiny finally swam all by herself with no floaties!
P.S. As we make our way south, we'll be making rock drops for a project Yoda started called "this life rocks". She (and I, and a Kooka, and who ever else she can get to sit at the patio table with her) has been painting rocks with little messages on them, and she just wants to leave some beautiful art and good mojo around the country. If you'd like to follow her Facebook page or Instagram, you can find them under the same name. She does most of the posting herself, with a bit of help.