a few good days

The good news about going to bed thinking something horrible is going to happen, is that every single morning when you wake up, it is (and I quote) "the BEST day of my life" 

That's what he said when he woke up on Wednesday. It's crazy, but even from where we sit, it is easy to feel like these may be some of the best days of our lives. We all love each other so deeply, so openly, that there is not much room for anything else but love - which I guess does make every day pretty beautiful.

July 21:

Tiny turned 11.


Seems like just yesterday Rico and I were talking about having another kid - and now she's eleven. Even more surprising is the fact that Scrappy managed to make it to 91, despite several near death experiences.

Nika took a day off from camp to hit lunch at the Sugar Factory in The Mall of America. We also went earring shopping and stopped at all of her favorite stores. We came home so she could share her adventures with Rico, and while Kaia took off for a princess event, Noah and I had her favorite dinner with her - Dorito chicken and mashed potatoes followed by marshmallow, raspberry angel food cake, surrounded my Kaia's homemade vanilla macaroons. 

Our neighbor Mike, helped us put up her new swing in the front yard (yeah, I know, we already gave her an axolotl, but Rico didn't feel like skimping on presents this year).

July 22:

The next day with Nika back at camp, Kaia at another event, and Noah at work, Rico and I found ourselves with enough free time (and desire on his part) to get out in the wheelchair, With Leah on the phone for facetime help, I managed to give him a haircut. I'm not terribly skilled in that arena, but it's not like I could have done any damage. His Greek hair is full of cowlicks - and I dare say he looks much more like himself now. 

After the haircut, we had time for a walk - or so we thought. It didn't look like rain when we started out, but at least there wasn't lightning. He loved getting caught in the rain, and because he loved it - so did I.

He was even able to get up AGAIN and join us all for a Chinese food feast (most of it ordered by him). His fortune of course - said this:

July 23:

A party.

Yeah, we took him to a party!

Jason flew in to visit for a few days, (and to give Noah and I a chance to take Nika and friends out this weekend). While he was here, he was able to help me get him up and to a neighborhood party next door - where he stayed up until 10 pm eating Lemonade cake and talking about trips to Portugal and the Olympics. He said it was the most beautiful night.

He makes all of my nights beautiful. All of them.


Treats said…
Beautiful. We should all find such joy in each day. xo
Hi Rick,
I just got off a zoom call with Elaine Mayrides to celebrate her birthday. We've been in touch sporadically over the (long) years, but lately, probably because we're old and working less or not at all, a little more frequently.
She's been keeping me up to date on all the Crudlies of Week's Lane and other people whose names I remember but not their faces. But, I remember yours :)
She tells me you have been blessed with a beautiful and loving wife and kids but are also facing health challenges. I am sorry to hear that.
She knocked around the possibility of organizing a massive reunion at some point in the future, when Covid allows. That would be a great excuse for me to fly in (I've been living in Europe for years). I hope that plan materializes.
Let me wish you peace and health. It appears you already have lots of love.
Take care.
Ellen Knebel (I haven't written that name in about 45 years. 3 husbands later, I've been known by many other aliases. But it's nice to revisit our roots...:))