we did it

 It only took four of us - five if you count the bus driver, which we probably should since we wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him - but we finally managed to GO somewhere.

Nika has been at day camp for three weeks. It's the same camp that Noah spent his summers teaching and now it was Tiny's turn to be a camper. Theater isn't really her jam (as you can imagine - selective mutism and performing is like trying to mix oil and water), but she's actually hilarious with a great singing voice, plus we needed her to be doing something this summer - so off she went.

Today was the first performance and we decided that if there was ever a time for Rico to get somewhere, attending a show where Nika is singing a solo in the high school auditorium was a high priority. We adjusted his medication so he was wide awake at 5, and made plans for a front-row viewing.

We made an appointment with the local transit company, got loaded up and made it to the auditorium with time to spare. He never had to get out of the wheelchair, which made the whole thing doable. He was there to hear Nika speak her lines just as loudly and clearly as everyone else; sing "Party In The USA" and "You Had A Bad Day"; and present her with pink carnations afterwards.

I won't get too into this. But if you have any idea of the severity of Nika's SM, you will understand why I was alternating between smiles and tears and absolute motionless staring when I heard her SINGING ALONE - WITH EXPRESSION in front of an audience.

Noah took charge of Nika's transportation (and celebratory ice cream afterward), while Rico and I hopped back on the accessible bus. 

We returned home to find a complete meal on our doorstep - baked macaroni and cheese, salad, watermelon and caramel rice krispie treats. After that our dentist stopped by the house - yeah CAME TO THE HOUSE to put in Rico's tooth. It's been six months since he's had a tooth. He looks like himself again.

He asked if I think we can have more days like this. I hope they are all like this.

Thank you Hannah and Aylins and Becky and the cool guy who drives the bus, who's name slipped my mind but shouldn't have. You all helped make today a great one for him - for all of us.


Treats said…
Every word of this fills me with happiness and gratitude. So proud of Nika…wow wow wow! Wasn’t expecting a post with dentists and bus drivers. It takes a village. So thankful you live in this amazing one. ❤️
Cheryl said…
So awesome on so many levels. Happy for all of you!!!!
Jenn said…
How WONDERFUL! I am so glad Rico got to enjoy Nika's performance!
Anonymous said…
Wow and wow again. Nika I am proud of you. I wish I could have heard you knocking them out.
Lisa McDermott said…
What an outstanding day all around! Hooray for bravery!