ryan's petition

If you believe that teaching your kid to do the right thing is important, no matter what - please sign this mother's petition.  This kid spent 12 years working towards his Eagle Scout Award - now it is being denied to him.

He worked for most of his life learning lifelong skills of cooperation, leadership, public service and respect for others.  Now, simply because he admitted he was gay (while standing up for a fellow scout who was being bullied), he is being denied this award.

The Boy Scouts are entitled to have their rules, and we are entitled to ask them to change  - please do.

Ryan's petition


Jamie Willow said…
I signed it, so crazy that he earned it and they are denying him for any reason at all...not cool.

Hope you are well, I've been a little behind on keeping up with blogging friends lately, but I was thinking of you and thought I'd stop by and say hi.

j said…
Thanks. It's good to hear from you. Your boys are adorable!