soft hearts

October is Selective Mutism Awareness Month

It's also:
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Walk to School Month
National Book Month
National Chili Month
National Church Safety Month
National Bat Appreciation Month
National American Cheese Month (because it ain't sharing with cheddar)
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Caramel Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
National Roller Skating Month
National Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Month
National Sarcastic Awareness Month
National Ferral Hog Month
National Toilet Tank Repair Month

The list goes on.
And on.
And on.

Don't believe me: check for yourself right here.

Apparently there are several things of which I am under-aware.

But this one thing I know:

I am a sensitive soul. I have raised three other sensitive souls - some tipping out the sensitive-ometer.
We would all happily give up Selective Mutism Awareness Month, along with Feral Hogs and Pickled Peppers for a National Get-Your-$#!+-Together-and-Actually-Listen-To-People-With-The-Intent-to-Understand-and-Help Month (I'd be willing to donate the whole year).

Maybe being softhearted isn't enough. But it's all some of us have - and I dare say, many of the alternatives aren't working.
