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the plan

  I sort of wish they would've just gone with my original request. As you may imagine my ADD coupled with crippling anxiety and hospital PTSD had made quick work of this decision - double mastectomy - the sooner the better. Take the arm, the ear, whatever you gotta do to make sure my kids have parents. But, as doctors are wont to do, they wanted to give me options. SO many options. They also wanted to do MRI biospsies, bloodwork, alllllll of the things, while simultaneously telling me to that I really should consider a lumpectomy because I am a perfect candidate for it. Except guess what? I'm not. So, here we are, a month later just now scheduling the surgery I asked for in the first place. Surgery is scheduled for March 17th. Thankfully, I'm Irish and am presuming I will be extra lucky and everything will go as well as it can. In the meantime, I've been subbing at the local schools, Noah's putting up his art gallery, Kaia got a job organizing study plans for studen...

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