
Half a dozen people have mentioned that at some point or another in the past month they have not been able to leave comments here.  I think I fixed the problem - but am not sure, so if anybody would leave me a comment here, I would be so so grateful.


mbassett said…
Testing... 1 2 3.. syballance..syballance...syballance
Jamie Willow said…
how did you fix it if you don't mind me asking...I've had people say the same about my blog and have no idea what the deal is...
j said…
Jamie - I'm not sure I did fix it, because the three people who said it was broken this week haven't commented - but yes, I did notice the same thing on your blog - so if you figure it out, please let me know. I went to the comment settings, and changed the security settings, then changed it back again (somebody told me it would help - still waiting on the verdict).
Melanie said…
Ahhh.... Now that is better.
Treats said…
I may lose my anonymous posting as "treats". Better, though, that I can post my snarky comments rather than let them go unnoticed!
Treats said…
Never mind...I've figured it out!
j said…
Treats - your snarky comments are as much a part of this blog as the posts. Hopefully this keeps working.