day 8,9
It's cousin's day - or week- or something like that.
Though only one of the six has a birthday this week, they were all born within a two-month radius, so we celebrate once for everyone.
This year's celebration brought us to the Westgate Resort in Orlando.
It sounds fancy, but don't be deceived. Sure there are swan shaped paddleboats, swimming pools, and dinosaur-themed mini golf courses, but the triceratops hasn't seen a dermatologist in decades, and there are two lifeguards manning a pool area filled with over 500 people.
Ooooh, I forgot the best part - for only 8 bucks a crack, you too can get foot-long piece of twine and seven plastic beads during arts and craft time. Elisa will walk by your table and say, "you gonna use all of those beads, or can I put them back in the bucket yet?" After that you'll be the proud owner of a hand-crafted surfer's necklace.
But who cares. The company is fantastic, the twin cousins are having a ball at the watermark, the mini cousins are having a ball just holding hands wherever they go, and the boy cousins enjoy knocking back sodas, playing games and sarcastic comments with Uncle D.
Lunch day was at T-Rex cafe in downtown Disney, where a food fight may have been started by someone over 40. The first shot was whipped cream in Kooka's hair, and the offender may have ended up with caramel drizzle all over his football jersey.
We couldn't say goodbye until we checked out the Lego Store, took a few more pictures and everyone made a wish with pixie dust - yes everyone.