how to save a life

If two days ago was rough, today was a dream.

My friend Kara saved our lives. Kara is Alisa's sister - that's how I met her, but she is magical all on her own. She volunteered to stay in our room last night so I could go sleep in a different bed. It's amazing what one night of sleep can do. Suddenly I'm able to move a little faster and get a few more things done. Sometimes that's all it takes. She called at the exact second I was hysterically crying in the backyard. We're giving Alisa (and Jen) full credit for that.

As for Rico, he's been living it up. He had his good friend from Connecticut visit who made him Colombian breakfast soup just like the ranch hands on his South American farm used to make - Rico said it tasted like a memory of friendship.

He's actually been traveling the world. Aside from our morning adventures and the Colombian soup, he's been to Broadway listening to our friend Karl compose his New York Musical. He's had Itallian eggrolls courtesy of Tom. Tomorrow he gets to visit Turkey thanks to Lily and Ella and Jenny and Drew who've been sending snacks for him and Nika to sample. He even traveled back in time to Flushing, Queens when I took him out for a wheelchair spin with a fresh fudgesicle clasped in his good hand.

He is loved so desperately and doing his best to make the most of his days. He is often confused, but realizes it and is able to get back on track with some patience, long talks and hugs. Thank you so much for loving us the way you do.


Treats said…
Love this so much! Thank God for Alisa(and her sister!).
Unknown said…
Love that picture. I can picture him on he stoop on 189th Street.
Thank you for sharing so much. Please - give Ricky a big kiss and hug from me. Love, Lee
Anonymous said…
Wonderful to see Rick outside. If I could I would send a lemon ice. On your next trip to flushing be sure to get one.