our kids

If you see my children, please show them extra love. They will say they are ok - they always do, but they have been through fire today. Maybe I will write more later, because it truly was a beautiful albeit devastating thing, but for now this is enough to share:

Tonight our children gave Rico permission to die. Individually and collectively they thanked him, loved him and told him we would be ok.

There is more to this story, but for now this is all I can say.

These humans he helped raise are forged of steel - with hearts of the most pure love.

They are strong - but they are tired. They are brave but also feeling broken.

If you see my kids today, please love them for us.


Catherine said…
I wish I could see them all and give them huge hugs. What a day. 💔
Unknown said…
You have such a wonderful and brave family. Thinking of you all with love.