8:22 pm

He’s still not here.

I’ve been away from him for 12 whole hours, which feels like forever.

He was transferred to the Methodist Hospital on the Mayo campus. I don’t know why there are two and why one is Methodist and one is Catholic and most of the people who work here are neither, but that’s how it is.

His Brachy tubes are being installed over there and the imaging for that takes FOR-EV-ER.

They are basically placing a very intricate crazy straw into his leg, where they can shoot tiny seeds of radiation back and forth to try to tackle any rogue cells they may have missed. They’ll pull the crazy straw out sometime on Wednesday and actually sew him up.

I am hanging out in his room, decorating it with photos from his family and notes that remind him how much he’s loved. I’m finally tucking in to a Toppers pizza which is nowhere near as delicious as the ravioli from the Italian place on the Methodist side of town, but I’m washing it down with organic chocolate that our sweet neighbor dropped off for us last night, so no complaints.

I get to kiss his fuzzy head and hold his hand and hear his voice and see that smile, the world is still beautiful.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like a long day with some of the best possible results. So thankful Jane was there with you. Sending you huge hugs!!
Jodi said…
Thanks for sharing your day on the blog. Glad it's going as well you could hope for! May you all be home soon!
Elise Fleszar said…
Thanks for sharing. Much love & prayers
Lisa McDermott said…
Bet you slept better last night than you did the night before, even with all the beeping, whooshing, and grumbling. Sending lots of love your way - and just remember that the two days after surgery are ones that you will unfortunately remember, but luckily he won't.