a better day


What a difference a night of sleep can make - especially when you've gone 72 hours without it.

This morning we woke up at 5:30 am. We had time to snuggle and take a cruise to the Caribbean. He wondered if having a brain tumor would mean he'd get a discount or a better seat. We decided it probably would. 

There was avocado toast for breakfast, some Morning Joe on TV and a chance for Neeks to show him her art from art camp - and for Rico to actually be able to see it. He's fairly visually impaired as it is - add in the fatigue and it's a wonder he could see anything yesterday.

After the home health aide made a visit, we took him for a walk outside with our good friend Chris. We met Chris six years ago when Rico was first diagnosed with sarcoma. Nika was just graduating from his mom's kindergarten class and he was the lead in a musical I was working on that summer. Now he's part of our chosen family  - and today he was our hero.

Rico and Chris text their new music finds to each other pretty frequently, so Chris brought his guitar and played some songs while Rico relaxed. I say relaxed - but I don't mean slept. He sang along, made requests, threw in random facts here and there, and sometimes we just snuggled and cried. It was perfect. It was one of Rico's droplets of beauty that we are using to fill our bucket these days.

We decided that Chris counted for at least two droplets today.

Tonight he'll get two visits - one from a nearby friend and one who's making the trip from Florida. The day just keeps getting better. Thank you for all of the love.


Eileen said…
Thank you Jamie for keeping us close.
Love to Rick.
Treats said…
Such a beautiful day. ❤️