
Tomorrow would be Tiny's elementary school graduation. It's not like us to celebrate our kids doing the bare minimum that society requires, but we really loved her school, her teachers, her friends -  and it would have been a great day for ice cream and being together and saying goodbye to people she loved.

She won't be there.

For starters - having an immunocompromised parent during a global pandemic, made in-person school impossible for her this year. For finishers - tomorrow she'll be at the hospital all day. Tomorrow we train on how to keep a brain trauma patient safe at home. 

But we don't think she'll ever really leave this place -  no matter where she goes, this school, these people are in her heart. She has had 5 incredible teachers who have loved her and our family through every possible scenario.

They are the people who made an effort to learn about SM and challenge her every day. 

They are the people who brought dinner to us during Rico's chemo treatments.

They are the people who took her after school when we couldn't get back from Mayo by 3:15.

They are the people who stopped by to talk about books, jump on trampolines, and bring us brownies when the isolation of not being in school was too much for her.

They are the people who keep showing up, despite the fact that she's no longer their student - she's just a kid they love. And boy does she love them back.

They are the reason she believes people are kind and the world is a good place.

They are the best types of humans, and we miss them already.
