Keep on

The good news is that there is some good news.
There does not seem to be any end stage organ damage due to what's been going on. It's also good to hear that the Doctor here says that the local hospital was spot on and doing the exact same things we'll be doing here. 
The less good news is that we still know nothing.
We just keep on.


Treats said…
I'm happy there is some good news. Thanks for the update. Maybe more good news will follow. You are in good hands. I've spent time in that very ICU (Francis Owusu was my favorite nurse - look for him - he saved my life). If you get really bored, start wandering the top floors of St. Mary's - there are rooms where the nuns stay. If you need some good food, there is a really good co-op not far from you. (click on the Rochester, not LaCrosse link). Tell Rico I came out of that ICU and he will too. Mayo is an amazing place - one that I prefer to see in my rear view mirror. Have a good night, my friend.
Anonymous said…
Hallelujah! So great to hear that. Praying he remains stable, and of course that he starts to improve. Praying for answers. You are in the best hands.
Unknown said…
Rick and you are in our prayers. Glad to hear he is at Mayo.

Mark Pernecky
j said…
Waaaaait a second Treats, what do you mean "upper floors" and is like a legitimate "nun zoo" where they just keep them in viewing areas? If so, I must go up a few floors and find this place. I did see the paintings and read about the founders. For a hospital this place is pretty beautiful, but we're working much harder and receiving far fewer stickers than we did in the children's hospital, which is somewhat disappointing.

Jessi and Mark, thank you so much. I read him everyone's notes and it's the best part of his day.
Treats said…
J - I have wandered that hospital ad nauseam. We've found nooks and crannies that no one probably knows about. Stairwells that go to odd places. Have you found the library?
If Rico is there much longer, I'll come down and give you a real tour. Like a REAL tour. The upside of Mayo is they have their finger on the pulse of what the latest research shows, the downside is the lack of stickers and pathetic food. I have something from Mayo that is better than a whole roll of stickers. I'll show it to you :)