Keep on
The good news is that there is some good news.
There does not seem to be any end stage organ damage due to what's been going on. It's also good to hear that the Doctor here says that the local hospital was spot on and doing the exact same things we'll be doing here.
The less good news is that we still know nothing.
We just keep on.
Mark Pernecky
Jessi and Mark, thank you so much. I read him everyone's notes and it's the best part of his day.
If Rico is there much longer, I'll come down and give you a real tour. Like a REAL tour. The upside of Mayo is they have their finger on the pulse of what the latest research shows, the downside is the lack of stickers and pathetic food. I have something from Mayo that is better than a whole roll of stickers. I'll show it to you :)